Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dan, Dan the Computer Man

One memory I have of Dan pretty much exemplifies what kind of guy he was.. it was about 12 years ago and I was at work when a computer catastrophe hit. It was the beginning of the computer boom so there was not a lot of weekend support, and I couldn't just wait till Monday to fix the problem. At that point I had only met Dan a few times, but remembered he was very knowledgeable w/ the software with which we were having the problem. So I contacted our mutual friend Lish, and got his phone number and called him on a Saturday night, and he spent 2 hours on the phone with me and got the problem fixed! I was blown away by his kindness.. here he was on a Saturday night, helping
some guy he just met! Over the next few years I was fortunate to spend more time with Dan - he was kind, honest man, and will be missed.

- Luke, Phoenix

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